17 10, 2022

Will you be able to determine if there is a right to light claim for my client?

We offer basic and detailed right to light assessments for various cases. Our assessments will be able to determine whether or not there has been or will be a significant loss of light as a result of neighbouring building work. If there is a substantial loss, the client can make a claim for compensation or [...]

17 10, 2022

Can you offer advice for planning objection?

We can assess your client’s property to determine whether or not their light is at risk of being threatened or infringed upon. Once we have completed the assessment, they can submit a planning objection. Please note right to light is not grounds for a planning objection (albeit, loss of daylight and sunlight may be).

26 09, 2022

Will Trees Affect My Right to Light?

People often enquire about neighbours’ trees that they are concerned are obstructing windows and their home’s access to light. To make an inquiry, simply get in touch with our team. Read More

26 09, 2022

What Is A Light Obstruction Notice And When Might It Be Used?

After twenty years of light passage through a window, the windows will generally obtain a legal right to light. In order to prevent the window from obtaining a right to the full amount of light it currently accesses, the passage of part of the light must be interrupted for a 12-month period, which can be [...]

26 09, 2022

Is There A Legal Right To Sunlight To Windows Or My Garden?

Case law has determined that a legal right of light can be obtained through a defined aperture in a building. Statute states that there can be rights of light where there is the passage of daylight through such openings providing natural light to “…any dwellinghouse, workshop or other building”. It follows from the general legal [...]

26 09, 2022

What About My Shed…Can That Have A Right To Light?

Generally, a legal right of light is obtained and legal action is taken via the Prescription Act 1832. Section 3 of this Act refers to light in relation to “… any dwellinghouse, workshop or other building”. The Rights of Light Act 1959 similarly refers to these examples of buildings which are capable of obtaining a [...]

26 09, 2022

Can a dormer window cause a Legal Right to Light problem for my neighbour?

Absolutely, in certain situations, most commonly when neighbours have windows over 20 years of age. When we consider small dormer windows that penetrate from the front or rear roof slope of a main house roof, the windows in the main vertical house wall of houses either side will not be able to see the dormer [...]

26 09, 2022

I live in a semi-detached house. My dining room window is at the back of my house, next to the party wall, looking out over my garden. Outside, we have a fence separating our garden from our neighbours. Our neighbours intend to build a single-storey 3m deep extension next to the boundary at the rear. This will be ‘Permitted Development’. It will block all of my light.

Scenarios such as this are not uncommon. The impact of extensions like the one described can be considered through several measures. One test is using the ‘45-degree’ test is the ‘rule of thumb’ check for extensions which are perpendicular to the rear wall. For single-storey extensions like the one described, you will likely find you [...]

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