Daylight & Sunlight Assessments for Home Owners

Planning an Extension or New Build?

Neighbour to a Development?

Before starting any new building project, there must be sufficient checks carried out to ensure that they are adhering to appropriate regulations. Daylight and sunlight assessments for homeowners are an essential part of the planning process for all extensions or renovations to the home.

What is a Daylight and Sunlight Assessment?

A daylight and sunlight assessment analyses the potential impact on the daylight, sunlight, and overshadowing on the surrounding properties. These assessments differ from that of rights of light. Local authorities may request daylight and sunlight assessments, and they only account for the natural light requirements of habitable rooms to a property. On the other hand, right to light considers all areas of a property. 

Each assessment will account for:

  • Height of construction
  • Distance to external boundaries
  • Size of construction
  • Orientation
  • Topography

What Is Overshadowing?

An overshadowing planning objection refers to the valid objection made to a planning application. If there is an anticipated loss of natural daylight or sunlight because of a new building project, you can dispute it by submitting an objection to the building works. For instance, if your house or garden will lose a certain level of daylight or sunlight or be cast into permanent shadow because of new housing development, you may have a right to complain to the Local Planning Authority. 

How Smith Marston Can Help

We provide a detailed Daylight and Sunlight assessment for any property using our 3D CAD modelling software.

We will also ensure you are fully aware of all the potential tests needed in line with the BRE document ‘Site Layout Planning for Daylight & Sunlight – A Guide to Good Practice’.

You can get in touch with a member of our team to discuss any queries you have. Or, if you have any assessments you would like us to carry out, we can arrange to carry these out at a time that suits you.